Luna Botanicals

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Staghorn Ferns

Epiphytes, Living Art, Fascinating Ferns

Our love for stellar staghorn ferns is endless. We’ve experimented with mounting a variety of species to countless mediums. Whether mounted on a ‘modern’ application or a rustic board found from the banks of the Mississippi, one thing always rings true: Each and every staghorn has it’s own distinct personality and expression. These structural stunners have become plant cult-favorite over the last few years, with good reason. Easy to care for and beautiful to grow, staghorn ferns can thrive indoors, adding organic dimension to any space.

Staghorn ferns are epiphytes, meaning they are air plants. Often the term 'air plants' is used when referring to tillandsias, but in fact, all epiphytes are air plants, including staghorn ferns. Epiphytic plants do not absorb nutrients through their roots, rather, they use their root systems to attach to a medium for structure while nutrients are processed through the leaves or fronds. Mounted staghorn ferns are truly structural works of living art that can be enjoyed indoors or outdoors.